Alright, time to have some fun exploring efficient negative sampling implementations in NumPy…
Negative sampling is a technique used to train machine learning models that generally have several order of magnitudes more negative observations compared to positive ones. And in most cases, these negative observations are not given to us explicitly and instead, must be generated somehow. Today, I think the most prevalent usages of negative sampling is in training Word2Vec (or similar) and in training implicit recommendation systems (BPR). In this post, I’m going to frame the problem under the recommendation system setting — sorry NLP fans.
For a given user, we have the indices of positive items corresponding to that user. These are items that the user has consumed in the past. We also know the fixed size of the entire item catalog. Oh, we will also assume that the given positive indices are ordered. This is quite a reasonable assumption because positive items are often stored in CSR interaction matrices (err… at least in the world of recommender systems).
And from this information, we would like to sample from the other (non-positive) items with equal probability.
n_items = 10
pos_inds = [3, 7]
item_ind | Probability |
0 | 1/8 |
1 | 1/8 |
2 | 1/8 |
3 | 0 |
4 | 1/8 |
5 | 1/8 |
6 | 1/8 |
7 | 0 |
8 | 1/8 |
9 | 1/8 |
Bad Ideas
We could enumerate all the possible choices of negative items and then use np.random.choice
(or similar). However, as there are usually orders of magnitude more negative items than positive items, this is not memory friendly.
Incremental Guess and Check
As a trivial (but feasible) solution, we are going to continually sample a random item from our catalog, and keep items if they are not positive. This will continue until we have enough negative samples.
def negsamp_incr(pos_check, pos_inds, n_items, n_samp=32):
""" Guess and check with arbitrary positivity check
neg_inds = []
while len(neg_inds) < n_samp:
raw_samp = np.random.randint(0, n_items)
if not pos_check(raw_samp, pos_inds):
return neg_inds
A major downside here is that we are sampling a single value many times — rather than sampling many values once. And although it will be infrequent, we have to re-sample if we get unlucky and randomly choose a positive item.
This family of strategies will pretty much only differ by how item positivity is checked. We will go through a couple of ways to tinker with the complexity of the positivity check, but keep in mind that the number of positive items is generally small, so these modifications are actually not super-duper important.
Using in
operator on the raw list:
With a list
, the item positivity check is O(n) as it checks every element of the list.
def negsamp_incr_naive(pos_inds, n_items, n_samp=32):
""" Guess and check with list membership
pos_check = lambda raw_samp, pos_inds: raw_samp in pos_inds
return negsamp_incr(pos_check, pos_inds, n_items, n_samp)
Using in
operator on a set created from the list:
Here, we’re going to first convert our list
into a python set
which is implemented as a hashtable. Insertion is O(1), so the conversion itself is O(n). However, once the set is created, our item positivity check (set membership) will be O(1) thereon after. So we can expect this to be a nicer strategy if n_samp
is large.
def negsamp_incr_set(pos_inds, n_items, n_samp=32):
""" Guess and check with hashtable membership
pos_inds = set(pos_inds)
pos_check = lambda raw_samp, pos_inds: raw_samp in pos_inds
return negsamp_incr(pos_check, pos_inds, n_items, n_samp)
Using a binary search on the list (assuming it’s sorted):
One of best things you can do exploit the sortedness of a list is to use binary search. All this does is change our item positivity check to O(log(n)).
from bisect import bisect_left
def bsearch_in(search_val, val_arr):
i = bisect_left(val_arr, search_val)
return i != len(val_arr) and val_arr[i] == search_val
def negsamp_incr_bsearch(pos_inds, n_items, n_samp=32):
""" Guess and check with binary search
`pos_inds` is assumed to be ordered
pos_check = bsearch_in
return negsamp_incr(pos_check, pos_inds, n_items, n_samp)
(Aside: LightFM, a popular recommendation system implements this in Cython. They also have a good reason to implement this in a sequential fashion — but we won’t go into that.)
Vectorized Binary Search
Here we are going to address the issue of incremental generation. All random samples will now be generated and verified in vectorized manners. The upside here is that we will reap the benefits of NumPy’s underlying optimized vector processing. Any positives found during this check will then be masked off. A new problem arises in that if we hit any positives, we will end up returning less samples than prescribed by the n_samp
parameter. Yeah, we could fill in the holes with the previously discussed strategies, but let’s just leave it at that.
def negsamp_vectorized_bsearch(pos_inds, n_items, n_samp=32):
""" Guess and check vectorized
Assumes that we are allowed to potentially
return less than n_samp samples
raw_samps = np.random.randint(0, n_items, size=n_samp)
ss = np.searchsorted(pos_inds, raw_samps)
pos_mask = raw_samps == np.take(pos_inds, ss, mode='clip')
neg_inds = raw_samps[~pos_mask]
return neg_inds
Vectorized Pre-verified Binary Search
Finally, we are going to address both main pitfalls of the guess-and-check strategies.
Vectorize: generate all our random samples at once
Pre-verify: no need for an item positivity check
We know how many negative items are available to be sampled since we have the size of our item catalog, and the number of positive items ( len(pos_inds)
is just O(1) ) to subtract off. So let’s sample uniformly over a range of imaginary negative indices with 1–1 correspondence with our negative items. This gives us the correct distribution since we have the correct number of negative item slots to sample from; however, the indices now need to be adjusted.
To fix our imaginary index, we must add the number of positive items that precede each position. Assuming our positive indices are sorted, this is just a binary search (compliments of np.searchsorted). But keep in mind that in our search, for each positive index, we also need to subtract the number of positive items that precede each position.
def negsamp_vectorized_bsearch(pos_inds, n_items, n_samp=32):
""" Pre-verified with binary search
`pos_inds` is assumed to be ordered
raw_samp = np.random.randint(0, n_items - len(pos_inds), size=n_samp)
pos_inds_adj = pos_inds - np.arange(len(pos_inds))
ss = np.searchsorted(pos_inds_adj, raw_samp, side='right')
neg_inds = raw_samp + ss
return neg_inds
Briefly, let’s look at how this works for all possible raw sampled values.
n_items = 10
pos_inds = [3, 7]
# raw_samp = np.random.randint(0, n_items - len(pos_inds), size=n_samp)
# Instead of sampling, see what happens to each possible sampled value
raw_samp = np.arange(0, n_items - len(pos_inds))
raw_samp: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
# Subtract the number of positive items preceding
pos_inds_adj = pos_inds - np.arange(len(pos_inds))
pos_inds_adj: array([3, 6])
# Find where each raw sample fits in our adjusted positive indices
ss = np.searchsorted(pos_inds_adj, raw_samp, side='right')
ss: array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2])
# Adjust our raw samples
neg_inds = raw_samp + ss
neg_inds: array([0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9])
As desired, each of our sampled values has a 1–1 mapping to a negative item.
Summary Notebook with Results
The notebook linked below compares the implementations discussed in this post in some example scenarios. The previously discussed “Vectorized Pre-verified Binary Search” strategy seems to be the most performant except in the edge case where n_samp=1
where vectorization no longer pays off (in that case, all strategies are very close).
Concluding Remarks
In models that require negative sample, the sample stage is often a bottleneck in the training process. So even little optimizations like this are pretty helpful.
Some further thinking:
- how to efficiently sample for many users at a time (variable length number of positive items)
- at what point (sparsity of our interaction matrix) does our assumption that
n_neg_items >> n_pos_items
wreck each implementation - how easy is it to modify each implementation to accommodate for custom probability distributions — if we wanted to take item frequency or expose into account