gulp-scan • Find Yourself Some Strings

1 min Read Time

We recently ran across the need to simply scan a file for a particular term during one of our build processes. Surpringly enough, we didn’t find a Gulp plugin that performed only that one simple task. And so gulp-scan was born and now resides on

Simply put - gulp-scan is a Gulp plugin to scan a file for a particular string or (regular) expression.

Setting Up

As per usual, you’ll have to require the module.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var scan = require('gulp-scan');

Doing Something Useful

gulp.task('default', function () {
  return gulp.src('src/file.ext')
		.pipe(scan({ term: '@import', fn: function (match) {
			// do something with {String} match

Or if RegularExpressions are more your speed:

gulp.task('default', function () {
	return gulp.src('src/file.ext')
		.pipe(scan({ term: /\@import/gi, fn: function (match) {
			// do something with {String} match

Pretty simple. There’s always room for improvement, and we welcome contribution on Github.

Andrew Powell